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Community Integration 

Physical and cognitive demands can change as a result of aging, injury, illness or hospitalization. Summit Therapy Solutions can answer questions and help you feel more confident about getting out of the house and back to your normal routines and leisure occupations. We  provide a number of occupational therapy services, including home evaluations, exercise programs improving recovery, strength, balance and cognition, and determining the right energy conservation strategies that work for you.


Aging Adults Occupational Therapy Services


Home Evaluations

We can come to your space and provide potential solutions for helping your loved ones better move in the space and assess potential areas of falling.


Exercise Programs

Providing specific exercise plans to help meet your goals whether that be improving recovery, building strength, increasing balance and cognition or determining which energy conservation strategies are right for you. 

Home Evaluations
Exercise Programs
Sensory Integration
Emotional Regulation
Daily Living
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