Hannukah ended....Holiday plans cancelled. Holiday ski reservations confirmed. What else is there to do? ....Spontaneously get a new puppy? What?!?!?
Here's the deal:
It was a quiet day at work for me on Monday. That's when the trouble started.....Not too much to do....Better look for a puppy online (good idea or bad idea?)
I partly blame this video that went viral:
I found a litter of puppies that begged for inquiry via text message. As Evon would say, everything is always open for conversation (including re-homing puppies, clearly) #familyrule Well, Tuesday night we Facetimed with the breeder to see the litter. Wednesday afternoon we drove to see the pups in-person (masked obviously). By Wednesday night we welcomed the new pup into our home with open arms.

So on this Shabbat, our new puppy named Solstice (Soli, Sol, or Solly for short) brings much light and love to our lives after some darker days. See him on the trails, mountains, and beaches soon. We can't wait for you all to meet him.

Plans for Christmas Day: Hitting Kirkwood for a mellow day...Making challah for embracing family rituals and traditions ...Seeing our in-pod best friend and pup for a "meet and greet" puppy session. And celebrating all the little blessings in our lives.
Shabbat Shalom and Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all who celebrate anything and everything!!!

Oh my goodness! What a week this has been. I haven't even read the blog until today because of this wonderful Solstice in our lives!! While our lives are so full of love, goodness and possibility, there have been some disappointments in the last year. Yes, I cannot even begin to imagine the hardships of so many - beyond my comprehension. And yet, knowing my kiddos have been disappointed by summer plans canceled, no summer camps, not seeing family, friends, school being, well, just weird, and the list goes on.....bringing Solstice into our family is full of the opposite - learning, joy, puppy craziness, cuddles and just all around cute-ness! Thanks Rachel!!
What an adorable puppy! Good timing. Such a cute post.🥰